We interviewed Luca Fratta, agronomist and manager of the F.lli Fratta farm in Foggia. It is one of the first companies that have chosen to use the integrated Livita Plus system for olive cultivation. We asked him some questions to know his point of view on our method.
In this photo: Luca and Marco Fratta brothers
Our farm is located in Foggia, in the region of Puglia, and has been active in the area for a long time. Our family has been running the company for 3 generations: we produce oil, durum wheat, legumes, chickpeas and vegetables on an area of about 150 hectares. I manage the company together with my father, an agronomist, and my brother, who is graduate in economics.
We have created the Fratelli Fratta brand, with which we have also begun to export oil abroad, especially in Germany and the United States.
We chose Livita Plus in 2013. We planted high density olive groves about 6 years ago and we sell both olives and oil.
one of the Fratta Brothers olive groves cultivated with the Livita Plus method
At the time we had neither an olive tree nor any experience in this type of cultivation. We met Mr.Bartolomeo Buccelletti at a conference in the province of Foggia, he introduced us to Livita Plus and we convinced ourselves of the goodness of this project. I must admit that initially we were a bit skeptical but over time the results have been clear and now we are absolutely convinced of our choice.
We have 11 hectares of property and we manage another 60 hectares which are not owned by us but in which we take care of all aspects.
We started in May 2014 with the Arbequina, the following year we planted the Arbosana, in 2017 we still planted Arbequina and then we tried the Tuscan varieties Leccio del Corno and Maurino.
Certainly the very early entry into production - after two and a half years with the first plant we made an exceptional production - and constant production over the years. Equally important is the assistance provided: the men of Livita Plus are often present here in our company and follow us constantly and with great attention. All these factors helped us organize ourselves and structure our company in a better way.
On the first plant in the first year of production we made 150 quintals of olives per hectare, in the second 135 and in the third - last year - 210 quintals.
Yes, in this period we are experimenting with new varieties of olive that could adapt to this type of high density farming.
Of course, we are very satisfied with this choice.
We thank Mr. Luca Fratta and his company, with whom we carry out an important and satisfying collaboration, for his availability for this interview and for the trust given over the years. We invite you to visit Fratelli Fratta's Facebook page to find out more about their beautiful company.
If you want to learn more about the Livita Plus method browse our site, or contact us directly